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Lee Ka-sing began his diptych project in 2014. Over the years, more than a thousand diptychs were created. He describes the project as spontaneously as brush strokes on the pages of a sketchbook, or, a poem written daily.
Wednesday, May 21, 2014
More reads this week
- Door opened to the wall with many wounds
- The strange lightness of being
- Some memories in purple colour
- When the building was captured by written words
- Clockwork moving at the back
- Cat and Rem
- Water drop and a glass of burgundy
- The plant and the shadows of its counterpart
- Stranger from the other planet
- In memory of a friend, Antonio Mak
Archive in group (per seven days)
Frequently read in last 30 days
Index by title
- “A village’s seen ‘mid shady willows and flowers bright” (Lu You 「柳暗花明又一村」 tr. XYZ)
- "All the world's a stage"
- “I asked the bright moon to bring me my shadow and make us three” (Li Bai, Tr. XYZ)
- “The bright moonlight is like frost white; The breeze is cool like waves serene”
- “The curtain idly hangs there,waiting for the morrow”
- “The wide geese start along with crows on city wall”
- “Wavelet on wavelet glimmers by the shores; Cloud on cloud dimly appears in the sky”
- "You should have loved me"
- (Google tr. A boy in red came back to visit his city)
- (Google tr. About the class struggle inside a building complex)
- (Google tr. Behind this high-rise tower is the cliff)
- (Google tr. Book with golden edges)
- (Google tr. Concerto for the city)
- (Google tr. Dance Oh dance! Dance back to 1856)
- (Google tr. Deep reflection on the event)
- (Google tr. Desolated and faded from the window)
- (Google tr. Examine the physical changes of a sphere)
- (Google tr. Giant curtain with two big trees in front)
- (Google tr. How to translate the root of a tree)
- (Google tr. I once promised you a rose garden)
- (Google tr. Imaginary city planning)
- (Google tr. Listening and writing)
- (Google tr. Pecking grain from the east)
- (Google tr. Ring-shaped wave field emitted from the top of the building)
- (Google tr. Some bird words written on the stone)
- (Google tr. Spin it! Spinning out your old dreams)
- (Google tr. Sunlight in the darkroom is like a dark shadow coming in)
- (Google tr. The imagination of a hanging object)
- (Google tr. There is sunlight at the bottom of the overpass)
- (Google tr. Trap for a hanging object)
- (Google tr. Two interpretations of time)
- (Google tr. Two pieces of exquisite sorrow)
- (Google tr. Two pieces of installation in the city)
- (Google tr. Voices on a rusty metal sheet)
- (Google tr. Whispering ripples- other end is a waterfall)
- (Google tr. Wooden object with two slivers painted red)
- (shēng),a Chinese character represents energy and life
- 「明月如霜,好風如水」
- 「照野彌彌淺浪,橫空隱隱層霄」
- 「舉杯邀明月, 對影成三人」
- 0 and 1
- 1.0
- 100% fresh
- 2017,1997. A variation
- 2017) 072
- 2017) 076
- A black poem
- A black spider was found on the spiral pattern table, it was the first morning we’d switched to winter hours
- A blurry red flower in the garden
- A border of thinking,about the art of transforming a book into liquid solutions
- A camera that has a y-shaped snake tongue: the roof top as organic table-top
- A circle is a piece of never ends poem
- A close look at the water rising from Andy Warhol’s head
- A collection of poems in two volumes
- A concise history of action ink-wash painting
- A conversation
- A day in the mid Summer
- A day in the ocean
- A discussion about turning a halo into zen
- A drawing of Andrew’s camera looking out to the street the during magic hour
- A dream in colour of orange
- A forecast
- A fughetta
- A gathering in the late afternoon
- A giant billboard named Ulysses
- A guide to the colle()g and ()e of original prints
- A hand written copy of ONE THOUSAND AND ONE NIGHTS
- A handful of small things under this blue sky
- A landscape of asymmetrical)
- A long prayer
- A map from the city of heaviness
- A matter of red
- A moving helicopter and the tail of a large bird
- A novel and a poem
- A novel begins with the 590 Express
- A pair of equal and parallel forces acting in different directions
- A pair of round glasses and the far away
- A performance at the Sony Centre
- A phoenix rising from this cloud of darkness
- A photographic capture of the invisible energies
- A piano concerto musics from a corner barbershop: a rainy day afternoon
- A piece of knotty cedar and book with hand written notes. The halo was an angel
- A piece of rectangular lyric and its admirer outside the large window
- A poem about the possibility of constructing a glass pyramid on the top of an aged tree
- A poem in two languages
- A portrait of three tall trees
- A red circular object is approaching the window curtain
- A selfie and a portrait
- A song
- A song for the wall and floor
- A sonnet poem about habitation
- A storefront gallery versus the gallery in your backyard
- A story about two bats
- A story,two reads
- A study of Ai Weiwei’s public installation in the city. It might be said,however,that the artwork had a relation to the buildings in Toronto downtown
- A study of the street scene through a large window decorated with big lobster and fish
- A study of two flowers, the behaviour beneath a sunny sky
- A surreal feast
- A tale of two fish tanks
- A thirty second daydream in front of the traffic light
- A tiny novel about the blue mountain and the silver moon
- A translation of the sky. The moment a summer before dusk
- A very Canadian question: No lion in winter
- A very early morning,Malgorzata’s cow was found walking inside a gallery somewhere in downtown Toronto
- A well written book on Chinese classical poetry stands up from the table by itself
- A window with two views
- A windy morning
- Acrobat
- Acrobatic exercise a late afternoon in the early spring
- After many years
- After the wheels started walking by themselves
- Afternoon
- Agenda
- Air bubble,bacteria and reflection of the moving water
- Alchemy in the modern day
- All the details of the past are fresh in the memory of a moose
- Alphabet “L” and the “double E” that constructed out of three books plus a pair of hands
- An afternoon
- An afternoon at the beach in front of a portable backdrop
- An afternoon of two cities
- An afternoon with two architects
- An essay begins with outdated computer books inside a big dumpster
- An event in black and the book with dark red background
- An island
- An obscure orbital path
- An old gate in the shape of a British flag and that next to it is the metal net with a new pattern design
- An old story with pink flowers
- An open forum
- An opera
- Angel with long wings
- Angled and straight channel
- Animals in black
- Antenna (happy net,to you-all)
- Anti-romantic and an XL size light blub in the late afternoon
- Antonio Mak
- Are you there
- Art,won't be silenced
- Artist working on an artwork
- Arts article is dead
- August story
- Auto writing practice at the highway 401
- Bach in the time of coronavirus
- Back alley lyrics
- Backdoor and store-front
- Backdrop in burgundy
- Backstage
- Backward time travel
- Backyard
- Backyard with a large cedar shed
- Bar against the sky
- Because
- Beetle
- Behind the brick wall
- Belongings of a grey mountain
- Below one of those tall trees my friend built a small fishpond
- Bibliotheca
- Big dream of a small boy beside the large window
- Big eyes
- Big moon and a large star
- Big triangle pointing towards the blue sky
- Bird
- Black and white
- Black general
- Blue
- Blue and green
- Blue circle
- Blue song
- Blue storm
- Blue voyage
- Blue wall
- Blue wall and the vertical waves
- Blue workman approaching the sunflower for a conversation
- Blueprint for a floating power station
- Body language in the wintertime
- Bonsai in his memory
- Border wall
- Bottle of water and long leaf plant in pot
- Bottom of the over bridge and a collection of silk ties with similar patterns
- Boxes and how people fill them
- Boy holding a circular object
- Boy standing on the wall
- Boy walking towards a green plant
- Boys have lost their mouths because of too strong sunlight. Flying hero missing head
- Brave new world
- Breeze
- Bridge talk
- Bridge up
- Brief conversations between two drainage pipes
- Building behind a cage
- Bull
- Burning flame
- Burning shadow
- Butterfly with small knives
- Cactus
- Cat and Rem
- Cat chatting with the little cow inside Andrew’s sketch book
- Cat looking at Janet Potter’s book which is in shape of a piece of cheese
- Cat story
- Cats at West Queen West,patrolling their own galleries (tuxedo Sukimoto at INDEXG)
- Cave painting in modern times
- Ch'i (energy force)
- Chair
- Chair and fruits
- Change your scenery by means of high voltage that needs a constant current source and a transformer
- Cherry blossoms this time in the last year
- Chess board and the chess master
- Chinatown journal
- City at the end of time
- City by the lake
- City in the dark
- City song. Mountain song
- Citylogue 1
- Citylogue 2
- Citylogue 3
- Citylogue 4
- Clockwork from the other side of the world
- Clockwork moving at the back
- Cloud dance
- Cloud flying through the air like a slow motion spiral (for Ching-ping)
- Communication
- Compare
- Conductor at the second movement
- Conjecture of a round staircase
- Counting moons
- Criticize
- Crystal in front of the large window
- Curtain
- Curtain in grey
- Curtain in red
- Dancer
- Dancer and the wing movement
- Dancing with an octopus
- Dancing with an overbridge
- Dark cloud
- Dark side of a new shop on a busy street
- Days after tomorrow
- Death of a sword
- Deep blue mountain and the moon in shade
- Deep purple that next to the red
- Deep thought of a skull
- Dehydrated hibiscus and the paper shopping bag
- Departure
- Design for a new park
- Desire
- Desire is a double-sided saw
- Development
- Dialogue
- Dialogue with a flower photograph
- Diamond on the street and a close look
- Discuss
- Door opened to the wall with many wounds
- Double life of a line drawing
- Double meaning of a duo circle
- Dragon fight
- Dragon in the city
- Dragon in the cloud
- Drapery and window
- Dream machine
- Duet
- Early morning
- Early morning and the afternoon
- Early morning breeze and sunshine
- Early species that have a big tail
- Early this morning, there was an argument about art, before the new show was installed
- Earth and life
- Einstein on the beach
- End of an episode
- Entrance to the sky
- Everywhere is anywhere
- Evolution
- Exercise
- Exhibition
- Extravaganza
- Ezra Pound and his relation to the vertical poetry (at my working space)
- Face of the opposition party according to the Pantone colour guide
- Faces merging into the window of a running bus
- Facts fakes and fragments relate to a small sketch of two circles
- Fairy tales the camera
- Fantasy of a tuxedo cat
- Fantasy of a young mountain
- Feather in pink
- Filming a movie filming along West Queen Street West
- Fire
- Fireworks
- Fish
- Fish in the city late afternoon
- Flat bottom silver heart and the eye of a metal gold-fish
- Flower bombs
- Flower matter
- Flower stories
- Flower talking about her early childhood
- Flowers from the vase number 2
- Flowers rolling out of a vase
- Fly
- Followers
- For a stone
- For Darwin
- Framing the disappearance
- Friend dropping by
- FROGKING (the artist) and GOODMANS (the speaker) one morning at my study
- Front door and back yard: a wood studio
- Full moon
- Furniture
- Future
- gao(high) shan(mountain) liu(flowing) shui(water): hidden waterfall
- gao(high) shan(mountain) liu(flowing) shui(water): high rise condo at the west end
- gao(high) shan(mountain) liu(flowing) shui(water): if I have a pair of jet-boots
- gao(high) shan(mountain) liu(flowing) shui(water): island from the ox-eye of a drone
- gao(high) shan(mountain) liu(flowing) shui(water): last summer
- gao(high) shan(mountain) liu(flowing) shui(water): layers of history
- gao(high) shan(mountain) liu(flowing) shui(water): right behind the cliff we saw two small vessels entering the deep brown zone
- gao(high) shan(mountain) liu(flowing) shui(water): social gathering
- gao(high) shan(mountain) liu(flowing) shui(water): trees hugging the east wind
- Gaze
- Girl gazing at the large earring
- Girls in Summer
- Glamorous woman walking towards the burning sky
- Glenn Gould was playing Bach this morning
- Globe-shaped object on a lamp post and things surrounding it
- Goat-song
- Going through
- Gold mountain
- Golden and burgundy
- Good night,Good morning
- Google tr. Roots and branches 1
- Goose turning its neck
- Graffiti artist after reading a book about Zen
- Graffiti to the sky
- Green concerto
- Growing by the side of a balustrade
- Hand
- He left in early morning and leaving us with a large slice of empty sky
- He must have walked faraway
- He said he’s going to open a new shop,on Canada Day
- Head profile and the moving smoke
- Here are some ways to measure the sky
- Here comes the signal
- Hero resting on the beach
- Hidden garden
- High Mountain Flowing Water (Gao Shan Liu Shui) #1
- High Mountain Flowing Water (Gao Shan Liu Shui) #2
- Holly Reading a Poem by Leung Ping Kwan
- Holy smokes
- Homage to Dali
- Home movie after a Sunday brunch
- Hope
- House warming
- How many sunsets throughout my blowy journey
- How the light beam was projected onto the wall,it moved like a dancer on stage
- How to catch a piece of cloud
- How to cover up a blue sky
- How to kidnap a bamboo
- How to open up the window of your neighbour on the other side
- How to read a historical drama
- How to solve a problem correctly
- How to tell a near-real story
- I am ready for a lunar walk
- I can see the light is coming this way
- I heard someone playing a piece of violin concerto
- I left my heart on the marble floor
- I would have written a long poem
- I wrote a zig zag poem
- I’ve got an idea Mom
- I’ve promised you a ruby garden
- If light bulbs are running horses
- If there is a magic that turns building into plantation
- If today was not an endless highway
- Imagining the transformation of an automobile into a running shoe
- In Bob’s verse “a silver coin of light mooning the beginning of the day”
- In memory of a friend
- In the time of cholera
- In those days of blue and green
- In those days when there was a pond
- In twelve hours he will be on the other side of the planet
- Indoors and outdoors of a filming studio
- Ink-wash exercise after a full morning meal
- Inside outside
- Installation of a road-side studio. Making art that projecting blood movement of a person instantly onto a large LED panel
- Intersection
- Intimate dialogues at the snow field a winter sunny day
- Into the brightness (or vise versa)
- Into the cloud: like a tree of smoke walking in the summer
- It was a windy day
- Jade tree stretching high across the blue sky
- Jump
- Labyrinth and entrance to an art museum
- Ladder and tree
- Lady Dragon and Mister Short-hair
- Lady holding a menthol-flavoured cigarette
- Lady in red and the spyman hiding behind shrubbery
- Lake Louise in two angles
- Landscape with plants that have small leaves
- Large gramophone picking up vibrations from a rectangular vinyl
- Last summer
- Last winter
- Late afternoon
- Late afternoon coffee with Holly at the café opposite to Trinity Bellwoods Park
- Leaf dance
- Lennon and the green old table lamp
- Let's start from there
- Life
- Life is a large window
- Light
- Light birds
- Listen to the memoir of a contemporary musician on Highway 401
- Little song
- Long night
- Long path
- Looking for the Draco on Sunday morning: constellations are,after all, a matter of imagination
- Looking into the other side of a looking glass
- Looking out the window from a photograph,every so often, landscape is a piece of colourful wall
- Looking out the window of a model aircraft
- Looking out the window of a plane suddenly all greens at below ran into zen
- looks like a piece of unfinished poem
- Love song to a yellow flower from a small bird with a big mouth
- Lumino matters
- Luna
- Lunch break
- Lyrical language
- Lyrics of on and off
- Ma petite fleur : a seascape somewhere
- Magic and fire
- Magician being a city planner
- Magritte and Toronto sky
- Man looking at the wall next to a construction site
- Mao standing behind an egg-shaped silver frame
- Meditation
- Melancholy lyrics in September
- Melodies in Fall
- Memoir
- Memoir of a long tail
- Memories in red
- Memories of a city used to have junks with large sail
- Memories of yesterday)
- Memory
- Memory of a photograph
- Memory of the window curtain
- Message
- Message from Mars
- Message from the sky
- Message looping at the open ground
- Metal lotus speaks to a glass morning dew
- Midnight
- Midnight. Love song
- Mobile energy in a forest
- Moment
- Monkey King in the palace and the city’s Servant Cow
- Moon-clock walked across the tall trees,after sunrise
- Moore’s seated female figure (at AGO) and the movement of her internal energy
- Morning and night. The angel
- Morning snow
- Motherland reading through a piece of glass bead
- Motion picture
- Mountain behind the screen
- Mountain inside a big cage
- Movement
- Movie in the afternoon
- Movie starts
- moving water and air bubbles
- Mr. Butterfly and the guitar-playing lady
- Mr. Gould sitting on the bench chair outside Glenn Gould Studio
- Mr. Solo
- Music about a moving planet
- Mutation of a wall
- My hat
- My Mars and the Moon
- My memory of a Cantonese opera
- My world
- National news
- Negative thinking
- Neighbour
- Neon and graffiti
- Netting the deep sky with thousand lines
- New Blue River and the Twin Mountain in blue shadow
- New myth stories about fish with bluish eyes
- News and clouds
- News from the radio
- News from the space station
- Next year
- Night bat flying towards the rising sun
- Night still young
- Nightmare
- No stars tonight
- Not one was rescued
- Notes on reading a portrait
- Nude descending a staircase (after Marcel Duchamp)
- Number 9
- o.x.
- Object in blue
- Off-seat
- Old book in a new edition
- Old days combing the current river-flow
- Old flames 97
- Old machine and a handful of negative circles
- On photography
- On Sunday by oneself
- On the road
- On the way
- Once upon a time in the green garden
- Once upon a time there was an empty sky
- Once,I made a photograph of piano music that flowing through the forest trees. He responded with a heavy-metal performance on the roof-top
- One day in the life of a sky garden
- One day in the life of two twin brothers
- Open cinema
- Orchid and the brass mirror
- Ordinary
- Ordinary day in Hong Kong
- Ordinary life
- Other side of a constitutional system
- Other side of a glass tank
- Other side of the river
- Other side of the snow mountain
- Outreach
- Outside the bus window,trees were moving from left to the far right end
- Outside the window that next to my large photograph a new under construction building turned all red in the last ray at dusk
- Pain
- Palm tree in the mirror
- Panorama of art
- Paradise
- Paradox of the burgundy gate
- Passage
- Passing through the fast moving clouds
- Past and present
- Past life. Future life
- Path to solitude
- Pathway on a rainy day
- Pathway to the room of tomorrow
- Pause
- People flying kites at the seaside to remember their past lives
- People walking into another universe
- Perception
- Performance
- Person talking inside a box
- Petal,tunnel
- Petals flying in the breeze
- Photo festi
- Photograph is believed to be a luminous object in the dark, psychologically
- Photograph of Hong Kong taken in 1997 and a recent version dated 28th September 2014
- Photographing an American flag with a large antique camera
- Piano or cello
- Picture in my eye
- Picturing a film negative in bright sunny day
- Picturing the burning heart of an aloe vera plant
- Pin-holes opened up the sky of tomorrow
- Plants in an exhibition
- Plants in red and the approaching storm
- Playground
- Poem on visiting a friend in the summer time
- Poet versus novelist
- Poetry from a dentist in chinatown
- Poetry written on a fashion magazine
- Poetry: Who needs it? Landscape seeing through a telescope
- Portrait of a lamp post in two cities
- Portrait of a wolf under yellow moon
- Portrait of an empire
- Portraits taken in the morning four hours before the solar eclipse
- Profile of an Indonesian puppet and the white orchid
- Psyche
- Psychological studies case #1: Sketch found in front of a diamond shop
- Purple storm
- Rain concerto: a tree two moments
- Rain concerto: houses in dark
- Rain concerto: magic stick of a conductor
- Rain concerto: other side of the water
- Rain concerto: sky and fake lake
- Rain concerto: voices at the far horizon
- Rain concerto: water dragon across the sky
- Rainbow
- Reading a message from the sky
- Reading a poem written in the nineteen seventies
- Reading a vintage copy of Toshio Nakae’s VOCABULARY LIST under the starry sky
- Reading the mind of a red fox
- Recollections underneath the glass of a golden frame
- Red
- Red cargo container
- Red curtain
- Reflections upon the yesterday’s water flow
- Remembrance
- Restricted
- REVISIT (Hong Kong
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- Riding towards the digital sea with a hand-built bike that taken from an analog photograph
- River Black
- Riverdale
- Road
- ROM museum. On the way to return the dvd MUSIC ROOM,a film by Satyajit Ray
- roots
- Roots and branches 2
- Rose
- Rose in black
- Rouge juice bar in chinatown and the indigo-blue Toronto
- Rounding the corner and about to depart
- Running river passing through the mountain cliff
- Running script
- Sailboat passing through the gorge at Yangtze
- Scholar rock and tree stump with strange facial expressions
- Scream
- Sculptures under blue sky
- Search
- Searching for an ocean in this wide and deep deep sky
- Self portrait about fighting with a red rubber cone
- Self-portrait turned into a bird
- Shadow
- Shadow casted onto the wall that has many uniform small holes
- She
- Shells on the table
- Show window
- Shuimo (ink wash) practice in the rainy day
- Sidewalk zen
- Sinking into the bay of a lover’s arms
- Sketch on the paper napkin a beloved architect
- Skirt with flowers
- Sky walk
- Small aircraft and a construction
- Small circles
- Small harbour inside a glass tank
- Small island and large river
- Small opera
- Small plan about running off the track
- Small songs at the back alley
- Small tree
- Small tree,big tree
- Small windows and the interior in blue
- Snowing
- So we went back to the starting point
- Some memories divided into little squares
- Some memories in purple colour
- Some of the early published notes on touching the sky
- Someone projecting the future change of Toronto City Hall
- Something about language. (after watching Jean-Luc Godard’s 2014 interview on YouTube)
- Song comes from a circular device
- Song for tomorrow
- Song of nervous system against a dark blue background
- Sorrow
- Sound from the far earth
- Sounds from afar
- Soundtrack: sound-post,sound-cloud
- Speaking to an old work for K,1989
- Speaking to the red
- Speaks to the world
- Speeding in the city
- Spin
- Spinning circle talks to a narrow heart
- Spiral-shape energy cloud: from sketch to the final photograph taken
- Spirit from the inner rooms
- Spirit of a young boy is about to leap over the broken wall of an ancient battle field
- Spirit of music that emits from a bell-shaped outdoor speaker
- Spirit of tree being captured on a large-format film negative
- Spoken word
- Spring
- Spring looking through the glass window
- Squares facing the sun
- Stage
- Star-like objects moving across the sky
- Statue of King George looking at the garden entrance to the yesteryear
- Steps leaded to the other end
- Stop and go
- Stories under the silver moon
- Storm
- Storm after
- Story
- Story and the large tree
- Stranger from the other planet
- Street car coming down from the blue sky
- Summer snow
- Summer song
- Sun flowers and sun shelter umbrellas at chinatown
- Sunny afternoon lightning strike
- Sunrise
- Super sword and the anti-sword system
- Support
- Susan Sontag,Frank Lloyd Wright,camera catalogue and Chinese wood decoration
- Sword
- Table lamp in form of a cat face
- Tabletop zen with irregular edges
- Tai-chi
- Taking a photograph
- Taking a politically correct landscape picture with a large format wet plate camera
- Taking up the sky
- Tales about energy
- Tales from two squares
- Tales of the Eastern Sea
- Talking to the sky
- Talkng about the future that comes along
- Task
- Tell them about the Spring
- Ten years later
- Test-strips. Yesterday is an address of tomorrow
- That pink book opened wide the sky like a metal butterfly
- The (not so) tiger vocal exercises
- The A and B theory of time two recent arguments from a small pocket camera
- The after Koons and other tales at West Queen Street West
- The afternoon we were talking about Yayoi Kusama
- The art history behind a tall tall tree
- The art of handshaking
- The beauty of an all night long supper
- The bed and the land
- The bird who came in from a piece of Tang poetry,people thought it was a part of the translation
- The bird with a long neck looking at artworks on the opposite wall inside a gallery
- The blue engine
- The book consists of a pair of novellas that read best in two different room-temperatures
- The book of unknown and new chapter of an untold story about chair
- The bowl the red and the architect
- The boy was jumping onto the back of a running tiger
- The brick wall in a film negative and the jailed forest
- The buddhist goddess about to walk out of the museum
- The building being in a dream about Christo
- The burning sky
- The butterfly poet,1920-2014
- The city: an update
- The connection of the left and right hemispheres
- The crane is moving large section of a window from right to the left hand side
- The critic. The heart,the circle, the star and many others
- The curtain-behind
- The days and nights of a storyteller
- The dialogue among an old typing keyboard and thoughts
- The disappearance of a city
- The dream of a silenced parrot
- The experience of the past of a broken mirror
- The fighter
- The fire escape staircase at the backyard and a found sketch of it
- The first and the last episode
- The fleet on its way to besiege a castle
- The fountain of imagination
- The front-yard of Mister B and his little fantasy
- The gate and the open-end
- The gate looks like a pair of scissors cutting through the blue sky
- The gate. The lane. The cage
- The giant blue truck and its belongings
- The graffiti turned into a piece of dried leaf
- The haiku pushing Bashō to hit an early bell
- The harbour
- The hell could be beautiful
- The if studio
- The imagination of a globe
- The imagination of a tree for being a painter
- The imagination which turns blue into pink
- The intellectual conversation between two glass boxes
- The interior
- The iron book
- The King
- The ladder climbing up to the second floor. He talks about the brain
- The language of speaking and imagination
- The last dance. Hong Kong. A love story
- The lazer scan of a sunflower in the post-revolutionary era
- The leaves at my study while I was away
- The leaves at my study while I was away (2)
- The lives behind that blue long wall
- The long story of red roses
- The lost diary
- The love story of a red heart and a heart,evergreen
- The magic of flipping a garden into an abstract painting
- The making of a landscape
- The male soprano and concert hall with carpet flooring in blue
- The man inside the cage is making a speech
- The marble wing and an organic target
- The memory of a piece of red feather
- The memory of gold
- The message says “Now it is available for sale”
- The missing spring
- The missing wheel
- The moon,the breeze. There comes the shower
- The moon. The home. (in Ai’s alphabet)
- The net
- The new lives
- The night flight was on time
- The nocturnes
- The other side
- The other side of a profile
- The other side of the inferno
- The other side of the sky
- The owl and his black and white daydream
- The party after
- The past
- The performance about a butterfly losing part of her wings
- The plant and the shadows of its counterpart
- The plant wants to go out for a walk
- The psychological picture of an 8x10 camera before the lens was on
- the Queen and last winter
- The rebuilding of a cosmopolitan city
- The red light
- The relationship between a tree and the object behind
- The revelation of a building
- The robot. The sun. The water-drops from an advertising billboard
- The room has a metal fan
- The sea is a strange place after dark
- The sea,the land,mountain and sky
- The selfie of a flower
- The shadows of going up and moving down
- The sit. The stand
- The small halo on the table-top
- The stage
- The storm-after
- The story of a big lake
- The strange lightness of being
- The sun,after
- The transformation (by Gary Michael Dault) of a computer instruction manual
- The transformation of a fragrant spirit into spicy flavour
- The tree in front a cake-shop near Dundas,is working on a new haiku
- The tree is talking
- The tree ran into window of our car when we were merging into highway 401
- The tree that fell to the ground
- The tree. A story
- The truth
- The tunnel and a tiny creature with many small legs
- The village next to the waterfall
- The wall
- The wall after pushing camera shutter-release button
- The wall in shadow
- The water the plane seagulls and a piece of cloud
- The way my father framed a fleet of smoke on the wall
- The well-tempered clavier
- The wild dream of a folding chair
- The wind,the tree and poets zero
- The wing
- The Winter after. Kiefer
- The world is flat
- The world of an under-bridge
- There always comes Spring
- There is a rainbow
- There is always hope and a positive solution
- There should be a way
- There used to be green bamboo
- There was a dream
- There was a full moon
- There was a long story about this dog
- Things glow in the dark,respectively
- This is film
- This is not a lotus
- This is not a moon
- This is not a river
- This man,standing still in front of the overbridge,looked like he was from Wim Wenders’ movie Wings of Desire
- Those days
- Thoughts
- Thoughts in form of moving spirals
- Thousand islands
- Three dancers
- Three large flowers next to a performing tree
- Time machine
- To tailor make a wide skirt for a nostalgic garden farm
- Torch and rocket
- Torso of a horse and a humble tree with decent memories
- Towering the sky
- Trace
- Transformation of a black circle
- Tree and memories 1
- Tree and memories 2
- Tree and memories 3
- Tree and the forest spirit
- Tree and window
- Tree at night
- Tree roots and the story of a circle
- Tree singing his own lyrics in front of the beer-house with large neon sign
- Tree standing on an island
- Tree story
- Tree with light ornaments
- Tree with many layers of skin
- Triptych
- Trivia in the heights
- Tunnel
- Turning around in her Victorian outfit Lady Sharp is about to premiere a new song
- Two books about metaphor of a tree
- Two books on the art of turning point
- Two composers
- Two consecutive moments from my window. A philosophical study about manipulation
- Two Constructivist poems found and the translations
- Two dragons in the movie
- Two glasses of water
- Two kimono flowers and the Icelandic sheepskin fur
- Two moments Duchamp
- Two moments in a day
- Two orchid flowers at the night before falling off from the stems
- Two palm trees as seen from a different angle
- Two parts of an essay about a dancer
- Two pieces of dance solo
- Two portraits with mono-tone background
- Two rivers
- Two short poems picked up from the white ceiling
- Two sides of a brain
- Two small plants near the power plant and top view of a spiral tower
- Two speed measures of a pathway
- Under the silver moon
- Underground
- Underneath
- Upper and Lower Ossington
- Ups and downs of a brick wall
- Utopia
- Vertical and horizontal
- Vintage story
- Voice of freedom underneath the square
- Voices in the city
- VX
- Walk out from a movie screening at Bloor Cinema
- Walked out from the past
- Walking away or to walk in
- Walking from two directions
- Walking into the ground glass of Sugimoto’s large format camera
- Walking on a stone
- Walking through the jungle of squares
- War
- Warrior
- Watching a movie in front the window at Queen Street West
- Water
- Water drop and a glass of burgundy
- Water music
- Water passing through a piece of glass
- Watercourse
- Waterfall in moonlight. December
- Way of seeing photographs after watching a sci-fi movie
- We are ruby burgundy
- We cannot see
- We landed at the water side we could see the sky with many diagonal stripes
- When roses became a rock
- When the building was captured by written words
- When the rock turns into memory
- When trees become the character on stage
- While organic becomes geometric
- While putting up a new pair of speakers at the gallery
- While the eye is getting green
- While tomorrow is a piece of memory
- White and black
- White circles
- White horse
- White orchid and icewine bottle
- White vase
- Who’s playing that long piano in the inferno?
- Window
- Window opens to the snowfield far away
- Windy
- Winter music
- Winter’s full moon comes in like a fairy tale
- Woman as a general
- Woman looking at the photograph
- Woman reading a photo-essay that I collaborated with Ping-kwan
- Woman with pink long skirt standing beside the gold bird a relaxation afternoon
- Working on Sunday
- Wound and healing
- Write in daylight
- Writing a new sonnet
- Writing a short short story,based on the point of Dundas and Spadina
- Writing with a grid-lined notebook
- Writing with shadows
- x, o, and others
- Yesterday and yesteryear
- Yesterday romantic mania (with floral photograph by Patrick Lee,object by Zunzi)
- Yin-yang
- Young woman in a charcoal dark skirt,was turning her head to the east. As she heard a voice rising from the far end
- Zebra in front of a large window
- 一些寫在石上的鳥語
- 一些還沒有解開的疑團
- 一個穿著紅衣的男孩回來探看自己的城市
- 一幢建築物的啟示
- 一枚舊式打字鍵盤與思維之間的對話
- 一片依舊停留在枝椏的葉子
- 一襲惘然,自窗沿褪去
- 一齣電影關於後大爆炸時期的祈禱文
- 不對稱風景
- 僕僕長途,這是第幾個日落
- 入夜後路軌交匯處,日間的光縫
- 兩件精緻的哀傷
- 其中兩根條子塗過紅漆的木件結構
- 前面有兩棵大樹的巨型佈幕
- 啄食東方的谷粒
- 圓形眼鏡與遠方
- 在一道漬銹鐵板上的聲音
- 在日光下書寫
- 在瓶子滾動出來的花
- 在盒子𥚃說話的人
- 在高處的瑣碎物
- 垂吊物的聯想
- 如何去翻譯一棵樹的盤根
- 如何正確地解決一個問題
- 如何閱讀一齣歷史劇
- 寫給城市的協奏曲
- 對岸
- 對於事件的深層思索
- 小型飛行機與建築物架構
- 床與大地
- 建築物頂層發射出來的環形波場
- 弧形梯級的猜想
- 怎樣說一個接近真實的故事
- 想象中的城市策劃
- 我把風聲唱成一首歌 (Google tr. I sing the wind into a song)
- 我曾經許你一座萭株的玫瑰園
- 投落在大理石表面的建築物倒影
- 攀過這髙聳的廣廈你又見沿崖
- 故事
- 於是我們又回到了起跑點
- 旋轉吧!轉出你從前的夢想
- 昨日的記憶種種
- 有彎角及直向的管道
- 有粉紅色花的遠年故事
- 有著金邊的閱讀物
- 有陽光透進來的天橋底部
- 根部與枝幹 1
- 根部與枝幹 2
- 桌上貝殼物
- 樹根與一枚圓圈圖形的始末
- 檢視一枚球體的物理變化
- 正在放映的半圓形劇場及其施工期的藍圖
- 泥土與生命
- 牆的變異
- 瘟疫蔓延時
- 直竪與橫放
- 祝福在球場上失去的運動員. Blessing athletes lost on the field
- 窗子
- 第一線晨光透進來與及低頭的長嘴鳥
- 耳語漣漪 方是流水垂掛的瀑布
- 聆聽與書寫
- 舞啊舞!舞回1856當年的舞步
- 花裙
- 荒𧩙的盛讌
- 被污染過的標本在博物館
- 設計給墜吊物的陷阱
- 過去的日子
- 閙市中兩件標緻的構成物
- 關於建築物群中的階級鬥爭
- 關於時間的其中兩種傳繹
- 陽光在暗室有如探進來的黑影
- 電光火石瞬間
- 黑將軍
- 黑色的事件及有深紅色背景的冊本